
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Featured Tutorial on the Soap Bar Blog

For all those who want to learn new techniques, I wrote a tutorial on How to Use the Hanger Swirl and it's been featured on the Soap Bar blog, there's even a video! Make sure to check it out.  And I so want links to see your photos of your finished soaps!

Thanks so much Jo for featuring the tutorial and for giving me an opportunity to show others a new technique!


  1. Congrats, Celine! Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing your technique!

  2. Grats Celine! This is fantastic! Creator of the Celine Swirl, and Queen of the Hanger Swirl! Wooo! <3 Heather (yep, the Heather from youtube =D)

  3. This is so much more than i needed!!! but will all come in use thanks!!

  4. Adding skewers to the hanger is a great tip! I bet that's why my first attempt was not impressive.
    I’ve nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award! You can read about it here:
    Thanks for sharing your soap, your knowledge and your time with all your readers!


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