
Friday, July 20, 2012

Indigo Earth Pure Essential Soap

I wanted to make a blue soap .. but a natural blue which is quite difficult.  Indigo was my first choice and I was looking for a blue jeans sort of colour but indigo tends more towards the grey side of blue.  Even still, I think it worked out to a beautiful colour, almost like a slab of marble.

Indigo Earth is made with Sweet Almond & Golden Olive Oils & lashings of creamy Cocoa Butter, it also has Aloe Vera, organic Greek Yogurt, Goatsmilk & Coconut Milk, Kaolin Clay, Colloidal Oatmeal & Pure Silk.... it is total luxury for your skin!

I fragranced it with our own blend of sherberty lemony May Chang, herbal soft & smoothing Lavender and deep & dark Indonesian Patchouli and sprinkled the tops with ground Lemon Peel & Blue Poppy Seeds ... it smells incredible!

Here is the Making Of video:

And the Cutting video:

And, finally, here are the still photos courtesy of Titch Holland from

Hope you enjoyed the videos and photos ... if you're interested in purchasing one of the Indigo Earth soaps, just check out our website at



  1. Hi Celine!! I get a great blue from Indigo.. but without olive oil... this blue is beautiful as well!! My natural indigo (which was a gift) is running out so can you let me know where you got yours? xo Jen

  2. Beautiful soap and beautiful colour!!!

  3. What a gorgeous color of blue, it turned out so beautifully!

  4. Love that blue Celine, and the tops are quite pretty as well. I notice this is a yogurt soap -they are so nice, aren't they? I haven't tried indigo yet, but these beautiful soaps make me want to give it a whirl! :)


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