
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy .. Working on Custom Orders

Hey all, sorry it's been a bit quiet here lately - I'm back in my full-time, other life, job and it's just mental; for those in the know, I work in as the administrator in a film/media/art/design college and, as you can imagine, the start of the academic year is bedlam.  I'm run off my feet and the students aren't even back til next week!

Added to this, I'm working on a custom order too which is pretty cool - I specifically got it because the customer was so in love with my swirls plus she tried out the soap beforehand and just loved how it feels on the skin, how conditioning it is and how much it bubbles, even though she lives in a hard water area. 

And, finally, I'm working on my reformulated body butters, which will be called Double Whipped Body Butters (cos they are!) and slowly (very slowly!) working on building up a stock of the butters to put on the website.  I plan to have the butters available in some of the soap fragrances but not all. 

Next on my to-do list is start building up stock of my reformulated scrubs which will be called Sugar Cream Body Polish.  These will be available in the same fragrances as the body butters. 

And then working on a formulation for either bubble bars or bubbling bath bombs (not sure which yet but I think I'm veering towards the bubbly bath bombs) .. I've the recipe almost right but not quite finished as yet.

Oh yes, and then I need to work on lip butters too.... ok, I'm just exhausted reading all that!!!

So bear with me if it gets a little quiet round here for a while ... I promise to show pics as and when I have them!


  1. I can't wait to see your designs! I'm sure it is all top notch. Double whipped butters sound so lovely! Try to rest when you can!

  2. Hi Celine =)
    wow! I am in Film industry too!
    I am working at a Visual Effect studio for films and TV shows. That's my full time job now. But in the future, I wanna make soaps all day everyday.

    Anyways, Good luck on your custom order.
    And "Double Whipped Body Butters" sounds so good!

  3. Celine,

    I love, love, love your custom order icon, did you make it?

    Your new butters, polishes and bubbly bath bombs all sound divine. I know it's hard when you have custom orders because they take up a lot of time. I have all these things I want to work on as well and finding the time is always difficult.


  4. Another post from me to say that I have a new post up but it's not updating in other's blogs properly since I changed to the new format.



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