
Monday, July 18, 2011

Soaps on Tour - Two Part Blog Post - Part 2 Platypus Dreams

Titch, Official Soapographer
As you might have read from Part 1 of this blog post, I was on holidays in West Cork on the South West coast of Ireland for the last two weeks.  Several months ago, I ordered some fabulous soaps from Sharon of Platypus Dreams based in Australia (yep, I'm so crazy about soap I ordered some from the other side of the world!).  She makes the most incredible soaps and the ones that caught my eye were enormous slices from a soap cake .. like a real cake, with fabulous icing, but made of soap.  They were beautiful.  She sent these along to me, as well as other samples and freebie.. I couldn't believe her genorousity! I promised her I'd take one of the cake slices on holidays with me and take pictures when I was there - it's an idea stolen from Dennise Cupp of Briny Bar Soap (she of the Part 1 of this blog post) and a brilliant idea at that ... I'd love others to take soap on tour with them.

Below are images taken, in the main, by my newly named official soapographer, my "honorary daughter", Titch - she has really gotten into photography lately so she was allowed free reign with this project. 

And so, without further ado, from Australia to the South Western tip of Ireland, I give you Banquet, Platypus Dreams' incredible soap slice.

Banquet at the Castle? Outside the Tower of an 18th Century Castle
Banquet outside the Castle Gates... can I come in?
Banquet sunning itself by the Sea at Crookhaven
Banquet on the rocks?
Banquet gazing out to the Atlantic
Banquet on high at Crookhaven
Banquet on Sheeps Head Penninsula - one of the most South Western points in Ireland
 I hope you like the soap images Sharon ... from Australia to Ireland and looking (and smelling!) as beautiful as ever! Your soap truly is a feast for the eyes!!!


  1. It seems that Banquet had very interesting holidays, and I hope that Yours were interesting and relaxing, too.

  2. Such fun! I should have taken some soaps with me when we went on vaca. We saw some beautiful red rocks in Sedona, Arizona! Oh, and the Grand Canyon. Can't forget that! Unfortunately, I think it will be quite some time before I travel anywhere famous (or beautiful for that matter)! Glad you had a great time!

  3. Oh how fun! What a great idea, I had soaps with me in Algoma, WI -could have snapped some with lake Michigan in the background....not so glamorous, but it was beautiful. Thanks for the lovely sight-seeing tour combined with soap what could be better? :)

  4. How fun! It is an interesting idea carrying soap to vacation. Maybe I should try that next time!

  5. I never leave home without some handmade soap (even took some camping a couple weeks ago). But having photos makes for super memories; I'll have to give it a go next year (all done vacationing this year, alas.)

  6. I took some soap Favors from Prunella soap with me on the boat in Turkey, but obviously took no pictures. And for this year holidays are over :-(
    But next time I will carry on with your good idea. Sounds like fun, nice handmade soaps in nice locations all over the world...


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