
Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to everyone from Soaperstar

Merry Merry Merry Christmas and Happy Happy Happy New Year to all our readers and Soaperstar fans! We've already got the White Christmas that we always hope for, now for Father Christmas to come and bring us lots of pressies because we're been extra good this year. 

I hope that you all have the very best Christmas, full of laughter and fun, love and happiness and a fruitful and prosperous New Year.  Thank you all so much for supporting Soaperstar this year and keep an eye out for new products and idea in 2011!

I'm leaving you with some pictures of me (I never show pics of me, there could be a reason for this as you might see shortly!) wearing my new fabulous handmade scarf which was a gift to me from a Secret Santa Swap in a forum I'm on ... this is made up of hundreds of velvety pom-poms and comes in glorious colours of chocolate, cinnamon & ginger.  Thank you Secret Santa and Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!


  1. No reason I can see why you should be camera shy, dear! You look totally cuddle-able in your pompom wrap :) Merry Christmas, Celine, and all the Best for your soapy ventures!

  2. Nice to see who I am blogging with!! And what a beautiful and warm cuddly looking scarf! Great present. Hope you are having a wonderful Christams xo Jen


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