
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Soaperstar - Made in Ireland Feature in No. 1 Magazine!

The weather is blowing a gale outside, the rain is lashing against the windows, it's pitch black and yet I'm smiling! Why? Because an envelope dropped through the door this morning with a copy of the November issue of No. 1 magazine who featured Soaperstar's fabulous new Sheer Luxury Lip Butters in their Made in Ireland article. 

It's great to have a mention in nationwide press and have our products listed as one of their "Must Have's".  No. 1 magazine is published in Cork and is billed as Ireland's No. 1 health and beauty magazine. 

If you'd like to purchase our Sheer Luxury Lip Butters or any of our products, please check out our online store at - fabulous new Christmas Gift Bags on sale now!


  1. Congratulations about your soaps and your fantastic Blog

  2. Oh my! You must be thrilled and should be feeling so proud of yourself. How much you have achieved in 1 year!! xoxo Jen

  3. Wow! Congratulations! Great job making it into a magazine :)

  4. Thanks Jen, I have to say, seeing the picture in print is something else! Some of those other companies are pretty big in Ireland so it's like I'm now competing with the best in the country which is pretty amazing seeing as I only started a year ago! Goes to show just what can be acheieved though.


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