
Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Women Know

Last night, I was proud to attend the launch event for a new book called What Women Know.  This was the brainchild of two writers, Michelle Jackson and Juliet Bressan - they set up a Facebook page and posed various questions to their fans to research women's views on a huge variety of subjects.  I was proud and happy to be a member of this group and I happily gave my views.  I was delighted when I was contacted and asked if some of my quotes could be used in the final book! I'm really happy to say that they used four of my quotes in the end - two attributed to me as Celine and two as Honey (my regular internet AKA name!). 

One of these quotes related to Beauty Truths & Beauty Myths.  As I make bath and body products, I couldn't not post something! I thought I'd share my post with you ...

"I think the cosmetic surgery industry plays on our innate fears of our own physical and mental view of ourselves and manipulates them so that we think we're not good enough... it makes us judge ourselves against some supposed societal views of the norm that are damaging emotionally, physically and metnally.  Whislt there is always the case for plastic surgery for those who actualy require it (burns victims, etc), I don't believe that this cynical marketing used by cosmetic surgery firms should have a place outside of medical requirements.

It is a total myth that more expensive cosmetics will be better for you - and I should know, as I make my own! My other life is making handcrafted soap and body buttters but I also make my own facial moisturisers, shampoo and cleansing oils - and my skin has never been better! I wash my face every day with the soap I make and cleanse every night with my cleansing oil and use my own moisturiser daily.  Last week four people said, "How the hell do you look younger today?".  I was chuffed! I think treating your skin well and with care will not only make it feel good, but you'll feel good about yourself too and people will notice and comment and you'll feel great.  There's a lot to be said about loving yourself enough to treat yourself well but that does not have to mean expensive lotions and potions!
Celine, 42, cosmetics manufacuter, County Dublin"

I really wanted to share this book and this quote with you as it's so applicable to the work I do with Soaperstar.  The book is an amazing read and I totally recommend it to any woman ... it's great to see that so many of us think so alike and that none of us are alone in our views. 

If you'd like to join the What Women Know Facebook page, click here - if you'd like to buy a copy of the book, click here - and if you'd like to purchase any of our Soaperstar products, click here for our online store.  You can join our Soaperstar Facebook page here

Congrats to Michelle and Juliet who've proven that women know they are powerful, beautiful people who have so much to say!


  1. EVERY woman ought to have a copy of this book! Go on girls...get yourself a copy and one for your Mum, sister, Granny, Auntie, best friends, collegues, neighbours...has any one sent the Queen a copy yet?!
    Seriously, it is a book to read, enjoy, laugh with and even cry with, but mostly to to reflect upon: it helps you to get to know who you are and to be happy within yourself. :-) Well worth it if you ask me, and what a gift to give to other women.
    Celine, I know you know what I mean as you and I were there as this book was born. And any other women who delves into the 432 pages will agree, this is a book to celebrate the things that make us the women of today and to make us be proud of who we are!

  2. Totally agree Marianne, it's a great book .. Ger (also in the book) and I were reading bits of it as we went home on the Luas last night! I think it'd be a brilliant book for pressies for Christmas too!

  3. Book releases are fun to attend. I love reading and love a good discussion. Thanks for sharing :)


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