
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Logo!

You might have noticed I've been changing the design of the blog a little lately - this is to make way for our new logo, which we launched today!

There are two new versions - with our tagline as above, and without, shown below - this will give us more choice to use the logo in different places.

Really hope you like the new logo - we felt it was a far more contemporary look for the brand.  All comments are welcome! We'll be redesigning our packaging to reflect the change too - which means more pics to come in the following weeks!


  1. I love it very classy and purple is my favourite colour :D

  2. Great new logo! The design is fun, flows and easy to read. The colors and floral detail on your blog are also adorable. Looking forward to seeing the new packaging too!


If you like Soaperstar's blog posts, please feel free to comment!! We'd love to hear from you!