
Friday, July 23, 2010

We're all going on a Summer Holiday, no more working for a week or two... or three!

Hi everyone! Sorry, I've been sort of quiet on here lately but the Soaperstar empire has been mega busy of late! I've been working to make up lots of batches of our wholesale soap to have in stock because... we're off for our Summer break!

This has been an exciting but tough year so far - working, to what amounts to two full time jobs, is tiring but I'm loving it so much... Soaperstar is just what I wanted it to be and I'm so enjoying the reactions of all my customers, we've gotten some really fabulous feedback and reviews and we've been spotted by celebrities!!! 

And, as a sneaky hint, we're introducing some new products in September/October so you will see why I've been so quiet.

So I just wanted to give you the heads up that we're taking some time off this Summer so all orders placed on or before midnight on Thursday 29 July will be posted on Friday 30 July - any orders placed after midnight on 29th will be posted from Monday 23 August onwards ... so if you need to order for your own hols, do it soon! All our handcrafted luxury goatsmilk and glycerine soaps and our Sheer Luxury Body Butters are exclusively available from our online store at

Sun, sand, sea and whatever takes your fancy, here we come!!!


  1. Have a lovely break and congrats on your C&J publicity!

  2. Have a fabulous and restful time, I know you will and have a cocktail or six for me x


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